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Fine Wine Market

May 19, 2010

A hint of what’s to come?

Today saw the 2009 campaign move up a gear. Duhart Milon – the first major Left Bank wine of the campaign (and…

May 18, 2010

Leaving Las Cases

Despite fine wine prices moving ever higher, the 'sixth' First Growth, Leoville Las Cases, has been all but ignored this…

May 11, 2010

Parker’s final word on 2007

With 2009 dominating attention, Parker’s finalised 2007 scores have largely been overlooked.  The revised scores were released along with those of…

May 10, 2010

Claret Chip rise continues

As the start of the 2009 campaign picks up momentum, the Liv-ex Claret Chip Index – made up of top-rated first…

May 5, 2010

Lafite powers on

      April saw Lafite Rothschild enjoy another strong month, again outperforming its First Growth siblings and pushing the…

April 30, 2010

2009 top tens

As those who have been keeping a keen eye on the blog with know, Latour was named wine of the vintage…

April 28, 2010

Parker on 2009 continued…

Robert Parker's report on Bordeaux 2009 is clear about one thing: for the Left Bank, 2009 is the greatest vintage…