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August 27, 2013

Share of trade rises for non-Bordeaux

Each month the Cellar Watch Market Report reviews the monthly regional share of trade by value on Liv-ex. Until 2012, Bordeaux regularly commanded…

August 15, 2013

Spotlight on… DRC

  History Domaine de la Romanée Conti produces some of Burgundy’s most illustrious Grand Crus, including its namesake, Romanée Conti….

January 9, 2013

DRC 平稳的一年

2012年DRC指数的轨迹与Liv-ex 50有些不同。在5月份当DRC指数上升到了一个新的高峰时,Liv-ex 50却正在迅速下降。虽然此品牌最终亦不能幸免地受大市影响,该指数也随后下降,但其整体0.9%的年度亏损仍远远低于波尔多的其它对手。 最引人注目的是其长期表现。自2008年8月起, DRC指数已上升了53.2%,而Liv-ex 50只上升了13%; 且DRC最近也打败了拉菲成为Liv-ex Power 100排名榜的首位品牌。但其葡萄酒让人流泪的价格(2005年份的DRC Tache每箱12×75的Liv-ex最后成交价为28,800英镑),以及市场现正追求感知价值的情况下,勃艮地能否继续保持领先于一个刚新整治了的波尔多市场呢?

January 7, 2013

A steady year for DRC

The trajectory of the DRC index in 2012 was somewhat different to that of the Liv-ex 50. In May it…

December 6, 2012

Minding the gap

As we have reported before, top Burgundy wines have seen success against the backdrop of the Liv-ex 50’s fall. The Liv-ex DRC Index,…

August 24, 2012

DRC off the boil

As we reported in the second week of July, the Liv-ex DRC Index (which tracks the price movement of the…