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December 6, 2012

Minding the gap

As we have reported before, top Burgundy wines have seen success against the backdrop of the Liv-ex 50’s fall. The Liv-ex DRC Index,…

December 5, 2012


如下面的图表显示, “次等“年份的拉菲(01,02,04,06,07,08)在近几个月来相比其顶级年份(00,03,05,09)的表现显著地优越。当最好年份的拉菲价格持续回落,其较次等的年份反而卷土重来,自8月开始价格增长近5%。 (虽然顶级年份的价格维持贵50%的水平 – 平均每箱为8,000英镑,相比一般的每箱平均价5,300英镑) 有趣的是,我们开始发现奥比昂(Haut Brion)及木桐(Mouton Rothschild) 也出现类似的现象; 需求从11月开始回升。相比之下,玛歌(Margaux)和拉图(Latour)则保持平静。 一般来说,“次等“年份的一级酒庄一向最受亚洲的青睐。这会否是一个远东地区买家开始谨慎地尝试重返波尔多一级酒庄市场的明显先兆?

December 4, 2012

Right Bank rising

The Right Bank 100 and Right Bank 50 indices (sub-sections of the Bordeaux 500) posted their fourth consecutive monthly increases…

November 28, 2012

Value in Mouton

Yesterday’s blog looked at the increase in trade for Mouton Rothschild during November: in particular its 1996 (LWIN 10135441996), which…

November 27, 2012

Mouton 1996 on the move

Last week Mouton Rothschild accounted for 22% of trade by value on Liv-ex, its highest share for just over a…

November 22, 2012

October auctions underperform

October was one of the busiest months of the year for auctions. The below chart looks at the spread in prices…

November 16, 2012

Tasting the 2010s

The UGC tasting of the Bordeaux 2010s took place in London on Monday. Pichon Baron (LWIN 10141632010) was broadly regarded…

November 15, 2012

Record risers

While many wines have plummeted in price since the market’s downturn, there are some that have defied conditions by seeing…