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New record high: £30million of live offers on Liv-ex

By April 11, 2019Fine Wine Market

The value of stock offered on Liv-ex hit a new record high yesterday, exceeding £30million. It has risen steeply over the past decade, having doubled in the last two years.

The remarkable growth is largely due to the sustained broadening of the market – there are currently over 6,801 distinct wines available on Liv-ex. They come from a variety of regions, including Chile, Australia and Germany. Even emerging regions such as England and China are seeing increased stock offered on Liv-ex. These countries (that had not made an appearance in 2015) fall into our “others” category, which has recently been gaining market share.

Traditional regions, however, are the main drivers behind the rising value of live offers. Bordeaux has seen a 26% increase on its offer exposure since 2015, Italy – 67%, USA – 87% and Champagne – an impressive 134%. In line with rising prices, the value of Burgundy stock has risen by 90% over the same period.

Offers have grown in the context of an increasingly active fine wine market but have also been supported by Liv-ex technology initiatives such as Wine Matcher and automated trading. These tools and services have made it easier for members to make their wines instantly available to the global market.

With automation, members’ stock is synced through Liv-ex in real-time. With Wine Matcher, members can upload offers in bulk, direct from their stock lists. Both are helping them grow their sales while reducing admin time.

You can watch a ten-minute webinar introducing Liv-ex Automation services here. In the coming weeks, members will also be given the opportunity to sign up for a live webinar on Wine Matcher.

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