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Merchants predict fine wine prices will rise

By September 18, 2013Fine Wine Market

world’s leading fine wine merchants are feeling bullish about wine prices,
according to the results from a Liv-ex members’ survey, which closed this week.
Liv-ex merchant members – who are spread across 35 different countries and
account for the vast majority of global fine wine turnover – were asked to
predict the end of year level for the Liv-ex Fine Wine 100.

were overwhelmingly bullish, with 87% of members predicting that the index
level at the end of December 2013 would be higher than the current close of
272.72. The average prediction was 284.42, which would equal an increase of 4.2%.

chart below shows that the majority of predictions fell in the 280-289.99
bracket. While one member optimistically predicted that the index would close on
332.55 (up 22% on the current level) at the other end of the scale the lowest
prediction was 260.00, which would represent a less than 5% drop for the index
from now until the end of the year. 

Liv-ex 100 predictions