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Lafite in reverse: A closer look

Yesterday on the blog we showed how Lafite's price decline is weighing on the Liv-ex Indices. As one of our readers rightly commented, however, price performance has not been uniform across vintages. Some vintages of the First Growth have recorded price falls of more than 15 per cent since the start of the year, whilst others have posted more moderate losses, or have seen little change. The charts below show the price movement of the last ten physical vintages of Lafite.

 Lafite price move by vintage 

Lafite price move by vintage 2 

*Data based on the Liv-ex Mid Price for 12x75cl cases stored in bond.

As you can see from the first chart, Lafite 2008 has seen the sharpest falls this year, having dropped in value by 26 per cent. And though a few wines have recorded positive year-to-date returns, prices for all ten vintages have faltered since the end of June.