LIVE offers of large formats on the exchange are at an all-time high – £5.67 million.
Good timing too as demand for these larger bottles, measured by annual trade, has had a compounded annual growth rate of 130.4% since 2003. Furthermore, 2021 started with a 73.4% increase in large format trade over January 2020.
As you can see in the chart above, 2020 was also one of the most diverse years for large format trade. Regions that saw significant growth included California, Champagne, Tuscany, and Piedmont. In line with the broader market in 2020, Bordeaux saw a small decline in market share, but continued to claim the largest single region share.
The £5.67m of LIVE offers are split into the regions in the chart below. Bordeaux and Burgundy combine for nearly 60% of the large format offer value. Piedmont follows, with 12.8% – we have noted an 8.5% large format premium on the region’s SIB trades. Rest of the world (ROW) may be a small share, 3.7%, but it includes offers from over 35 different regions.
The link below will take you directly to all LIVE large format offers – there are over 2,050 to choose from. If you would like to filter further, you can search by region, sub-region or vintage in the ‘Filters’ box on the left-hand side. Also, if you’re looking for value options, press the up arrow on offers to order by offer price low to high.
Have a browse, the offerings on your exchange are larger and more diverse than ever.