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En Primeur closing report – ‘Bordeaux 2021: Predictable chaos’

Our annual closing report on this year’s Bordeaux 2021 En Primeur campaign has now been published.

The full report examines:

  • The value offered by the 2021s and how it compares with physical vintages.
  • The best-performing wines of the campaign and what made them work.
  • The on-going issue of stock retention and its impact on merchant sales.
  • The future of the 2021 wines in the secondary market.

To download your complimentary copy of the report, please fill in the form below:

Liv-ex analysis is drawn from the world’s most comprehensive database of fine wine prices. The data reflects the real time activity of Liv-ex’s 580+ merchant members from across the globe. Together they represent the largest pool of liquidity in the world – currently £100m of bids and offers across 16,000 wines. Independent data, direct from the market.