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Liv-ex Beta enhancements: Faster loading My Positions, shortcuts

By January 31, 2019Member updates

Today, a number of updates and enhancements have been made to the Liv-ex beta site.

My positions

The My Positions page allows you to manage your bids and offers easily. Users with a large number of positions will notice significantly faster loading speed from today.

The video below offers a brief recap of how to make the most of this area of the site.


You can now search for certain wines using shortcuts, rather than typing the full wine name, as in the original website. These are shown in the table below, and are not case sensitive.

Coming soon

The team are currently working hard to bring you the wine details page to the beta site. Enhancements to the Market Activity page are also in progress.

To use the new beta website, log in by selecting ‘try beta‘ under the sign on option on the home page, or click here.